Source code for dandi.files

.. versionadded:: 0.36.0

`dandi.files` defines functionality for working with local files & directories
(as opposed to remote resources on a DANDI Archive server) that are of interest
to DANDI.  The classes for such files & directories all inherit from
`DandiFile`, which has two immediate subclasses: `DandisetMetadataFile`, for
representing :file:`dandiset.yaml` files, and `LocalAsset`, for representing
files that can be uploaded as assets to DANDI Archive.

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import deque
from import Iterator
import os.path
from pathlib import Path

from dandi import get_logger
from dandi.consts import BIDS_DATASET_DESCRIPTION, dandiset_metadata_file
from dandi.exceptions import UnknownAssetError

from ._private import BIDSFileFactory, DandiFileFactory
from .bases import (
from .bids import (
from .zarr import LocalZarrEntry, ZarrAsset, ZarrStat

__all__ = [

lgr = get_logger()

[docs]def find_dandi_files( *paths: str | Path, dandiset_path: str | Path | None = None, allow_all: bool = False, include_metadata: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[DandiFile]: """ Yield all DANDI files at or under the paths in ``paths`` (which may be either files or directories). Files & directories whose names start with a period are ignored. Directories are only included in the return value if they are of a type represented by a `LocalDirectoryAsset` subclass, in which case they are not recursed into. :param dandiset_path: The path to the root of the Dandiset in which the paths are located. All paths in ``paths`` must be equal to or subpaths of ``dandiset_path``. If `None`, then the Dandiset path for each asset found is implicitly set to the parent directory. :param allow_all: If true, unrecognized assets and the Dandiset's :file:`dandiset.yaml` file are returned as `GenericAsset` and `DandisetMetadataFile` instances, respectively. If false, they are not returned at all. :param include_metadata: If true, the Dandiset's :file:`dandiset.yaml` file is returned as a `DandisetMetadataFile` instance. If false, it is not returned at all (unless ``allow_all`` is true). """ # A pair of each file or directory being considered plus the most recent # BIDS dataset_description.json file at the path (if a directory) or in a # parent path path_queue: deque[tuple[Path, BIDSDatasetDescriptionAsset | None]] = deque() for p in map(Path, paths): if dandiset_path is not None: try: p.relative_to(dandiset_path) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"Path {str(p)!r} is not inside Dandiset path {str(dandiset_path)!r}" ) path_queue.append((Path(p), None)) bids_roots = [] while path_queue: p, bidsdd = path_queue.popleft() if"."): continue if p.is_dir(): if p.is_symlink(): lgr.warning("%s: Ignoring unsupported symbolic link to directory", p) elif dandiset_path is not None and p == Path(dandiset_path): if os.path.lexists(p / BIDS_DATASET_DESCRIPTION): bids = dandi_file(p / BIDS_DATASET_DESCRIPTION, dandiset_path) assert isinstance(bids, BIDSDatasetDescriptionAsset) bidsdd = bids bids_roots.append(p) path_queue.extend((q, bidsdd) for q in p.iterdir()) elif any(p.iterdir()): try: df = dandi_file(p, dandiset_path, bids_dataset_description=bidsdd) except UnknownAssetError: # The directory does not have a recognized file extension # (ie., it's not a Zarr or any other directory asset type # we may add later), so traverse through it as a regular # directory. if os.path.lexists(p / BIDS_DATASET_DESCRIPTION) and not any( i in p.parents for i in bids_roots ): # No nested BIDS bids2 = dandi_file(p / BIDS_DATASET_DESCRIPTION, dandiset_path) assert isinstance(bids2, BIDSDatasetDescriptionAsset) bidsdd = bids2 bids_roots.append(p) path_queue.extend((q, bidsdd) for q in p.iterdir()) else: yield df else: df = dandi_file(p, dandiset_path, bids_dataset_description=bidsdd) # Don't use isinstance() here, as GenericBIDSAsset's should still # be returned if type(df) is GenericAsset and not allow_all: pass elif isinstance(df, DandisetMetadataFile) and not ( allow_all or include_metadata ): pass else: yield df
[docs]def dandi_file( filepath: str | Path, dandiset_path: str | Path | None = None, bids_dataset_description: BIDSDatasetDescriptionAsset | None = None, ) -> DandiFile: """ Return a `DandiFile` instance of the appropriate type for the file at ``filepath`` inside the Dandiset rooted at ``dandiset_path``. If ``dandiset_path`` is not set, it will default to ``filepath``'s parent directory. If ``bids_dataset_description`` is set, the file will be assumed to lie within the BIDS dataset with the given :file:`dataset_description.json` file at its root, resulting in a `BIDSAsset`. If ``filepath`` is a directory, it must be of a type represented by a `LocalDirectoryAsset` subclass; otherwise, an `UnknownAssetError` exception will be raised. A regular file named :file:`dandiset.yaml` will only be represented by a `DandisetMetadataFile` instance if it is at the root of the Dandiset. A regular file that is not of a known type will be represented by a `GenericAsset` instance. """ filepath = Path(filepath) if dandiset_path is not None: dandiset_path = Path(dandiset_path) path = filepath.relative_to(dandiset_path).as_posix() if path == ".": raise ValueError("Dandi file path cannot equal Dandiset path") else: path = if filepath.is_file() and path == dandiset_metadata_file: return DandisetMetadataFile(filepath=filepath, dandiset_path=dandiset_path) if bids_dataset_description is None: factory = DandiFileFactory() else: factory = BIDSFileFactory(bids_dataset_description) return factory(filepath, path, dandiset_path)
[docs]def find_bids_dataset_description( dirpath: str | Path, dandiset_path: str | Path | None = None ) -> BIDSDatasetDescriptionAsset | None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.46.0 Look for the topmost :file:`dataset_description.json` file in the directory ``dirpath`` and each of its parents, stopping when a :file:`dandiset.yaml` file is found or ``dandiset_path`` is reached. """ topmost: BIDSDatasetDescriptionAsset | None = None dirpath = Path(dirpath) for d in (dirpath, *dirpath.parents): bids_marker = d / BIDS_DATASET_DESCRIPTION dandi_end = d / dandiset_metadata_file if bids_marker.is_file() or bids_marker.is_symlink(): f = dandi_file(bids_marker, dandiset_path) assert isinstance(f, BIDSDatasetDescriptionAsset) topmost = f elif dandi_end.is_file() or dandi_end.is_symlink(): break elif dandiset_path is not None and d == Path(dandiset_path): break return topmost