
Module Attributes


A /-separated path to an asset, relative to the root of the Dandiset



Find the Dandiset rooted at path or one of its parents, and return the Dandiset along with path made relative to the Dandiset root

move(*srcs, dest[, regex, existing, ...])



Folder(path, relcontents)

LocalMover(dandiset_path, subpath)

A Mover for moving only the assets in a local Dandiset

LocalRemoteMover(local, remote)

A Mover for moving the assets in a local Dandiset and the corresponding remote Dandiset simultaneously.


A Mover for moving only the assets in one location (i.e., either local or remote)


An enumeration.


An enumeration.

Movement(src, dest[, skip, delete])

A movement/renaming of an asset


An abstract base class for calculating and performing asset moves/renames

RemoteMover(dandiset, subpath[, ...])

A Mover for moving only the assets in a remote Dandiset.



exception dandi.move.AssetMismatchError(mismatches: list[str])[source]
class dandi.move.AssetPath

A /-separated path to an asset, relative to the root of the Dandiset

alias of str

class dandi.move.File(path: 'AssetPath')[source]
path: AssetPath
class dandi.move.Folder(path: 'str', relcontents: 'list[str]')[source]
path: str

A /-separated path to an asset folder, relative to the root of the Dandiset

relcontents: list[str]

All file paths under the folder recursively, as /-separated paths relative to the folder path

class dandi.move.LocalMover(dandiset_path: Path, subpath: Path)[source]

A Mover for moving only the assets in a local Dandiset

dandiset_path: Path

The path to the root of the Dandiset

delete(path: AssetPath) None[source]

Delete the asset at path

get_assets(subpath_only: bool = False) Iterator[tuple[AssetPath, str]][source]

Yield all available assets as (asset_path, relpath) pairs, where asset_path is a /-separated path relative to the root of the Dandiset and relpath is a /-separated path to that asset, relative to subpath (For assets outside of subpath, relpath starts with "../"). If subpath_only is true, only assets underneath subpath are returned.

get_path(path: str, is_src: bool = True) File | Folder[source]

Return the asset or folder of assets at path (relative to subpath) as a File or Folder instance. If there is nothing at the given path, raises NotFoundError.

If the path points to a folder, its relcontents attribute will be populated iff is_src is given.

is_dir(path: AssetPath) bool[source]

Returns true if the given path points to a directory

is_file(path: AssetPath) bool[source]

Returns true if the given path points to an asset

move(src: AssetPath, dest: AssetPath) None[source]

Move the asset at path src to path dest (which can be assumed to not exist)

property placename: str

A description of the mover to show in messages

property status_field: str

Name of the pyout status column

subpath: Path

A relative path denoting the subdirectory of the Dandiset in which we are operating

class dandi.move.LocalRemoteMover(local: LocalMover, remote: RemoteMover)[source]

A Mover for moving the assets in a local Dandiset and the corresponding remote Dandiset simultaneously. It cannot be reused after performing a set of moves.

calculate_moves(*srcs: str, dest: str, existing: MoveExisting) list[Movement][source]

Given a sequence of input source paths and a destination path, return a sorted list of all assets that will be moved/renamed

calculate_moves_by_regex(find: str, replace: str, existing: MoveExisting) list[Movement][source]

Given a regular expression and a replacement string, return a sorted list of all assets that will be moved/renamed

compare_moves(local_moves: list[Movement], remote_moves: list[Movement]) None[source]

Given a list of Movement instances calculated by the local and remote Movers, compare them and raise AssetMismatchError if there are any differences.

local: LocalMover

The local Mover

process_movement(m: Movement, dry_run: bool = False) Iterator[dict[str, str]][source]

Perform the Movement and yield a dict for each step

remote: RemoteMover

The remote Mover

property status_field: str

Name of the pyout status column.

This specific property should never be used.

property updating_fields: tuple[str, ...]

Names of the pyout fields that are updated as things progress

class dandi.move.LocalizedMover[source]

A Mover for moving only the assets in one location (i.e., either local or remote)

calculate_moves(*srcs: str, dest: str, existing: MoveExisting) list[Movement][source]

Given a sequence of input source paths and a destination path, return a sorted list of all assets that will be moved/renamed

calculate_moves_by_regex(find: str, replace: str, existing: MoveExisting) list[Movement][source]

Given a regular expression and a replacement string, return a sorted list of all assets that will be moved/renamed

compile_moves(moves: dict[AssetPath, AssetPath], existing: MoveExisting) list[Movement][source]

Given a dict mapping source paths to destination paths, produce a sorted list of Movement instances.

abstract delete(path: AssetPath) None[source]

Delete the asset at path

abstract get_assets(subpath_only: bool = False) Iterator[tuple[AssetPath, str]][source]

Yield all available assets as (asset_path, relpath) pairs, where asset_path is a /-separated path relative to the root of the Dandiset and relpath is a /-separated path to that asset, relative to subpath (For assets outside of subpath, relpath starts with "../"). If subpath_only is true, only assets underneath subpath are returned.

abstract get_path(path: str, is_src: bool = True) File | Folder[source]

Return the asset or folder of assets at path (relative to subpath) as a File or Folder instance. If there is nothing at the given path, raises NotFoundError.

If the path points to a folder, its relcontents attribute will be populated iff is_src is given.

abstract is_dir(path: AssetPath) bool[source]

Returns true if the given path points to a directory

abstract is_file(path: AssetPath) bool[source]

Returns true if the given path points to an asset

abstract move(src: AssetPath, dest: AssetPath) None[source]

Move the asset at path src to path dest (which can be assumed to not exist)

abstract property placename: str

A description of the mover to show in messages (either "local" or "remote")

process_movement(m: Movement, dry_run: bool = False) Iterator[dict[str, str]][source]

Perform the Movement and yield a dict for each step

resolve(path: str) tuple[AssetPath, bool][source]

Convert an input path (relative to subpath, possibly starting with ../) to a /-separated path relative to the root of the Dandiset, plus a boolean that is true iff path ended with a slash

subpath: Path

A relative path denoting the subdirectory of the Dandiset in which we are operating

class dandi.move.MoveExisting(value)[source]

An enumeration.

ERROR = 'error'
OVERWRITE = 'overwrite'
SKIP = 'skip'
class dandi.move.MoveWorkOn(value)[source]

An enumeration.

AUTO = 'auto'
BOTH = 'both'
LOCAL = 'local'
REMOTE = 'remote'
class dandi.move.Movement(src: AssetPath, dest: AssetPath, skip: bool = False, delete: bool = False)[source]

A movement/renaming of an asset

delete: bool = False

Whether to delete the asset at the destination before moving

dest: AssetPath

The asset’s destination path

property dest_exists: bool

True iff an asset already exists at the destination

skip: bool = False

Whether to skip this operation because an asset already exists at the destination

src: AssetPath

The asset’s original path

class dandi.move.Mover[source]

An abstract base class for calculating and performing asset moves/renames

abstract calculate_moves(*srcs: str, dest: str, existing: MoveExisting) list[Movement][source]

Given a sequence of input source paths and a destination path, return a sorted list of all assets that will be moved/renamed

abstract calculate_moves_by_regex(find: str, replace: str, existing: MoveExisting) list[Movement][source]

Given a regular expression and a replacement string, return a sorted list of all assets that will be moved/renamed

property columns: tuple[str, ...]

Names of the columns in the pyout display

abstract process_movement(m: Movement, dry_run: bool = False) Iterator[dict[str, str]][source]

Perform the Movement and yield a dict for each step

process_moves_debug(plan: list[Movement], dry_run: bool = False) Iterator[Iterator[dict]][source]

For each Movement in plan, yield an iterator of dicts to print for each step of the movement operation.

process_moves_pyout(plan: list[Movement], dry_run: bool = False) Iterator[dict][source]

Yield a dict to pass to pyout for each Movement in plan

abstract property status_field: str

Name of the pyout status column (either "local" or "remote")

property updating_fields: tuple[str, ...]

Names of the pyout fields that are updated as things progress

class dandi.move.RemoteMover(dandiset: RemoteDandiset, subpath: Path, local_dandiset_path: Path | None = None)[source]

A Mover for moving only the assets in a remote Dandiset. It cannot be reused after performing a set of moves.

assets: dict[AssetPath, RemoteAsset]

A collection of all assets in the Dandiset, keyed by their paths

dandiset: RemoteDandiset

The client object for the remote Dandiset being operated on

delete(path: AssetPath) None[source]

Delete the asset at path

get_assets(subpath_only: bool = False) Iterator[tuple[AssetPath, str]][source]

Yield all available assets as (asset_path, relpath) pairs, where asset_path is a /-separated path relative to the root of the Dandiset and relpath is a /-separated path to that asset, relative to subpath (For assets outside of subpath, relpath starts with "../"). If subpath_only is true, only assets underneath subpath are returned.

get_path(path: str, is_src: bool = True) File | Folder[source]

Return the asset or folder of assets at path (relative to subpath) as a File or Folder instance. If there is nothing at the given path, raises NotFoundError.

If the path points to a folder, its relcontents attribute will be populated iff is_src is given.

is_dir(path: AssetPath) bool[source]

Returns true if the given path points to a directory

is_file(path: AssetPath) bool[source]

Returns true if the given path points to an asset

local_dandiset_path: Path | None = None

The dandiset_path of the corresponding LocalMover when inside a LocalRemoteMover

move(src: AssetPath, dest: AssetPath) None[source]

Move the asset at path src to path dest (which can be assumed to not exist)

property placename: str

A description of the mover to show in messages

property status_field: str

Name of the pyout status column

subpath: Path

A relative path denoting the subdirectory of the Dandiset in which we are operating

dandi.move.find_dandiset_and_subpath(path: Path) tuple[Dandiset, Path][source]

Find the Dandiset rooted at path or one of its parents, and return the Dandiset along with path made relative to the Dandiset root

dandi.move.move(*srcs: str, dest: str, regex: bool = False, existing: MoveExisting = MoveExisting.ERROR, dandi_instance: str | DandiInstance = 'dandi', dandiset: str | Path | None = None, work_on: MoveWorkOn = MoveWorkOn.AUTO, devel_debug: bool = False, jobs: int | None = None, dry_run: bool = False) None[source]